Monthly Archives: November 2014

Lebanon’s favourite past-time

Hunting is quite a popular hobby in Lebanon; it is common to hear gunshots and collect cartridges from the ground in the country’s forests and natural areas. Many types of hunting equipment can be bought locally. According to the Lebanon Eco Movement, there are 200,000 – 600,000 hunters in Lebanon; equivalent to 14% of the population – many of whom boast about their kill online.

hunt 1

Source: Facebook Group: STOP Hunting Crimes in Lebanon


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About that food scandal…


Source: Visit Alanya

Food scandals in Lebanon have become a common occurrence. In 2012, a warehouse full of expired and contaminated food that were being distributed to 190 shops, hotels, and restaurants throughout the country was discovered. A few months ago, three tons of expired meat were confiscated in Tripoli. Last year, Compassion in World Farming released a horrific video of the conditions in the Karantina Slaughterhouse, a major supplier of meat to Beirut. Compassion in World Farming described the slaughter house as chaotic: “Everything is coated in a layer of blood, faeces and body parts. The slaughter area is heaving with people, live animals and slaughtered bodies. The sounds and smells are overwhelming.  Continue reading

One country, many foresters


Source: USAID

Lebanon’s forests have faced various threats over the past few decades. Urban expansion, quarries, road construction, illegal logging, unorganized grazing inside forests, forest fires and other issues have all contributed to the decline in the country’s forest cover. Reforestation attempts have not been effective due to limited resources allocated for forest management and follow up activities. Drought and other climatic factors have slowed the natural regeneration rate of forests, making reforestation much harder. Continue reading

Is there a link between access to water in Lebanon and community vulnerability?


Source: i 24 news

The issues relating to availability of water resources in Lebanon have been discussed several times in this blog. From drought to resource mismanagement, a severe water deficit has resulted in the country. The influx of refugees over the past three years has further exacerbated the problem.  By the end of 2014, water demand nationwide is expected to increase between 8 to 21% because of this surge in population. The overexploitation of groundwater and construction of wells near springs will reduce water flow and have a severe impact on the ecosystem.

In addition to the environmental impacts, this increase in water demand will have economic consequences. The water deficit has become a financial burden on the residents of Lebanon who are now paying about US$164 per month to offset their water shortage; for some perspective, this is about 35% of the minimum wage in Lebanon. Continue reading